In San Diego as it is
in Heaven

Join us Sundays 10am

Who we are

One new family, empowered by God’s Spirit
to live and love like Jesus.

Sunday Gathering

Sunday gatherings are the primary way we gather as a church to worship together, study the Scriptures, pray for one another, and create space to hear from the Spirit.

Sundays | 10am
Wilson Middle School
3838 Orange Ave, San Diego, CA 92105


Spiritual formation is impossible apart from spiritual family, because Jesus’ vision for the church is a community of disciples committed to following him together and loving one another the way he first loved us. That’s why we invite everyone who calls All Saints home to join a Discipleship Community. These groups of 10-15 disciples gather in homes weekly throughout the city for shared meals, prayer, and Bible study as they grow in loving one another and serving the city, together.

The first step to join a Discipleship Community is attending Community Basics. RSVP for our next course at the link below!

Prayer Room

We don’t want to be a church who simply talks about praying. We want to be a church who prays together. All Saints prayer room is a place to engage God’s Spirit through contemplative and contending prayer on behalf of our church and our city. We gather in homes throughout the week. Specific prayer room addresses are communicated through our newsletter each week.

Wednesdays | 7-8AM
North Park • Point Loma • TBD

For more information, contact

God’s work gets done by God’s people

At All Saints Church, we long to be a community where it can be said there is no needy person among us. That’s why we partner with Jesus to meet the needs of our church and our city, through radical generosity. As our church moves through our first fiscal year, we’ll be sharing annual reports that detail what our collective giving accomplished in the life of our church and our neighborhoods.

  • Holy Father, there is nothing I have that You have not given me. All I have and am belong to You, bought with the precious blood of Jesus. To spend everything on myself is the way of the world, but generosity is the way of those who call Christ their Lord. I am determined to increase in generosity until there is no one in need among us. I am determined to be generous because you, Father, are generous. It is my delight to show what You are like to all the world.